Saturday, May 06, 2006

The Orbs We Call The Friendlies

Life In Another Dimension

For several years now we have been photographing orbs on our land. We developed a communication with them and that communication has existed ever since. Here I will attempt to tell their story and share some of the photography.

My husband and I had heard of "orbs" appearing in photographs but never paid any attention to the subject. We had never had any show up in our personal photos. That all changed with the passing of one remarkable dog. Her story is so bizarre I hesitate to even try explaining it so for this first entry I will concentrate on sharing a few of the photos we have collected over the years. We have amassed nearly 17 full CDs ofphotos until I finally just quit saving most of them.
The Friendlies have shown us that they are inteligent life forms. They can produce elaborate formations somewhat similar to crop circles. They can change size shape and color somehow to aid in communication.

They can easily be seen by the animals and it's obvious that at times they communicate with them.

We even have photos of them visiting with our geese! Every single goose in the flock is looking directly at the Friendly and many are vocalizing.

When we take photos there is a sense of joy and sharing in the air.

They also have the ability to create shapes using what looks like fog or smoke. These shapes are not visible to the naked eye at all. They say that they create these by using some sort of electromagnitism on already existing "plasma". We don't understand any of it but love the end results:)

In this photo can you see the lady?

We became interested not only in photographing these strange "orbs" but also in trying to understand more about them. We wondered why they were here, what connection did they have to that dear old dog I mentioned, and most of all who or what are they?

We began asking them simple questions not so much for the answers but to see if there was any response at all. To our happy suprise there was a respsonse. Then the question for us was how to interpret the responses we did get. I have never seen a book for translation from "orb" to English, have you?

We asked for simple "yes" and "No" answers at first using questions we knew the answers to and their response to the questions in an attempt to understand. We had no idea if we were dealing with some natural phenomena, some form of inteligence or something controled by someone else. What we felt we really knew was nothing.

I started trying to find information about "orbs" on the Internet. There were lots of opinions but none of them seemed to fit our situation. One idea was that these were the spirits of people who had died. Well, that made no sense in our case for many reasons. We don't live anywhere near any cemetary and to our knowledge no one has died on our land. At times there would be hundreds and hundreds of orbs in a single photo, far more than you could count. That pretty well nixed the idea of "spirits" for us.

Another was "dust particles" except these orbs showed up in every kind of weather and under nearly any circumstance you can think of, including times when we had snow covering the ground or right after a good rain.

Ok, perhaps "camera malfunction"? No, nearly any camera we tried came up with the same thing, orbs! Among those tried were Olympus digitals, Fugi digitals, and good oldfashioned 33mm cameras. They all showed the same results.

I checked out every idea I could find and nothing seemed to fit this situation so we knew that the answers, if there were any, lied directly with these "orbs" themselves and with our close observation of them when they were here. During this time we could not see the "orbs" with our naked eyes. They showed up only in the photographs.

I got up the nerve to start telling my close friend about what we were observing and she refered to the "orbs" as "the Friendlies". The nickname seemed to fit them and we have been calling them the Friendlies ever since.

This blogg is not to convince you of who we believe the Friendlies to be but simply to share the photos we get while working with them.

They are fascinating, colorful and other worldly to see. They make us question our own inner boundaries and beliefs about our world. They have been photographed all over the globe and appear to be becoming more numerous every day.

Please go to the next Friendly link for more information and photos.


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